List of participants
Draft of Conclusions
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Dear friends!
Thanks a lot for your invaluable contribution to the success of IHSS-14. We were happy to host you aboard "Leonid Krasin" and we hope so much you had great time as well. It was unforgettable time for all of us. We wish it would have lasted forever, but as all other good things in human life, the conference came very quickly to its end. All we can do about it - we can only keep wonderful memories alive, - see our website for photo sessions of the conference. To give you a chance for contacting your new friends and partners, see below a list of participants of IHSS-14 with e-mails and telephones.
The major outcome of the conference under the title "From molecular understanding - to innovative applications of humic substances" became the Draft of the Conference Conclusions. It was accepted on the final session of the conference on September 18, 2008, by the overwhelming majority of the participants (with one voice against it). Environmental aspects were summarized by Gerd Gleixner. Both text are coming below
Irina Perminova
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
List of participants
To give you a chance for contacting your new friends and partners, you will find below a list of participants of IHSS-14 with e-mails and telephones. We were altogether 261 people from 35 countries. The major party was from Russia: 69 participants followed by USA - 32 participants, Germany - 22, Brazil - 18, France - 15, Italy and Poland - 11, Japan - 9, and all other counries. We will place full information soon. It is great that we all were together.
Draft of Conclusions
As it was agreed at this session, the Draft will be open for discussion.
The PROPOSED SCHEDULE for finalizing the Draft of the conclusions is as follows:
September 26 - October 13, 2008: submission of the comments and suggestions to the Conclusions Committee - Irina Perminova, Joe Bozell, and Gerd Gleixner.
October 13 - October 27, 2008: working out a draft of the full document,
October 27, 2008: publishing the revised full version of conclusions on the website of the conference and submission it for the members of scientific committee for review;
October 27 - November 17, 2008: the reviewing period
November 17 - December 8, 2008: working out the final document.
December 8 - December 14, 2008: the target week when the document should be ready and published on the web.
Good luck to all of us with finalizing the major document of the IHSS-14 conference.
Very warm regards and greetings to you from Moscow!
Irina Perminova and the team of IHSS-14 organizing committee
Scientific Committee
Dmitry S. Orlov - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (Honorable Chairman)
Gudrun Abbt-Braun - Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Paul Bloom - University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA (President IHSS)
Yona Chen - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
Serafim N. Chukov - Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
C. Edward Clapp - USDA-ARS/University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA
John D. Coates - University of California, Berkeley, USA
William T. Cooper - Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
Egil T. Gjessing - University of Oslo, Norway
Maria De Nobili - University of Udine, Italy (Past President IHSS)
Fritz H. Frimmel - Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Masami Fukushima - Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
Patrick G. Hatcher - The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Kirk Hatfield - University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
Norbert Hertkorn - Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany
Heike Knicker - Technical University of Munich, Germany
Alexey S. Kononikhin - The Institute for Biochemical Physics of RAS, Russia
Olga V. Koroleva - Bach Institute of Biochemistry of RAS, Russia
Eugeny N. Nikolaev - The Institute for Biochemical Physics of RAS, Russia
Ladislau Martin-Neto - Embrapa, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Tohru Miyajima - Saga University, Japan
E. Michael Perdue - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Irina V. Perminova - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (Chair)
Igor A. Popov - The Institute for Biochemical Physics of RAS, Russia
Nicola Senesi - The University of Bari, Italy
Roger Swift - The University of Qeensland, Australia
Ed Tipping - Lancaster Environment Centre, Great Britain
Etelka Tombacz - University of Szeged, Hungary
Irena Twardowska - Institute of Environmental Engineering of PAS, Zabrze, Poland
Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin - Research Center for Environment and Health, Neuherberg, Germany
Jerzy Weber - Agriculture University of Wroclaw, Poland (Co-Chair, Vice-President IHSS)
Organizing Committee
Valery Lunin, Academician of RAS, dean of Dept. of Chemistry, MSU - Chair of the Organizing Committee
Vadim Ryzhnev, General Director, JSC "NPO Chimavtomatika" - Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
Irina Perminova, coordinator of CIS-IHSS - Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee
Natalia Kulikova, Research Scientist, Dept. of Soil Science, MSU - secretary of the Committee
Eugeny Abakumov, Senior Lecturer, Chief Lecturer of Chair of Soil Ecology, SPbSU
Boris Aparin, Prof., Head of Chair of Soil Ecology, SPbSU
Olga Bezuglova, Prof., SFU
Nikolay Khitrov, Director, Institute of Soil Science
Vladimir Kholodov, Research Scientist, Institute of Soil Science, RAAS
Boris Kogut, Head of Laboratory of Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Institute of Soil Science, RAAS
Andrey Konstantinov, Junior Scientist, Dept. of Chemisty, MSU
Alexei Kudryavtsev, Research Scientist, Dept. of Chemistry, MSU
Marina Nadporozhskaya, Senior Scientists, Lab Manageress, SPbSU
Vladimir Popov, Head of A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry of RAS
Sergei Shoba, Corr. Member of RAS, dean, Dept. of Soil Science, MSU
Tatyana Sorkina, Graduate Student, Dept. of Chemistry, MSU
Natalia Tarasova, Corr. Member of RAS, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Olga Yakimenko, Senior Scientist, Dept. of Soil Science, MSU
Organizing Committee - Organizations
Lomonosov Moscow State University
JSC "NPO Chimavtomatika"
Saint-Petersburg State University
Bach Institute of Biochemistry of RAS
Dokuchaev Institute of Soil Science
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Russian Ministry for Education and Science
Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
NCP "Center for Biogenic Resources "Humus Sapiens"
Holding "Biomir 2000"
E-mail: ihss@org.chem.msu.ru
Tel./Fax: +7(495)939-55-46
Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1-3, 119992 Moscow, Russia
Head of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Irina Perminova
Conference Secretariat
Mrs. Olga Filippova
Dr. Andrey Konstantinov
Dr. Natalia Kulikova
Mrs. Tatiana Sorkina
General sponsor
Government of Moscow

Exhibition Sponsor
Company "Biomir 2000"

Conference Sponsors
Firm "Biocorrection"

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Poster session sponsor
Technical Support