List of Members
IHSS Newsletters
Welcome to the website of the regional IHSS-Chapter of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-IHSS). International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) was founded in Denver, Colorado, USA, on September 11, 1981, because there was a need for a society to bring together scientists in the coal, soil, and water sciences with interest in humic substances, and to provide opportunities for them to exchange ideas. CIS-IHSS is a successor of the Russian IHSS Chapter founded in 1994. Decision about establishing CIS-IHSS Chapter was taken by both Russian and other CIS countries representatives of leading Soviet schools in the field of humic research including Acad. Jorobekova (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Prof. Bezuglova (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), Prof. Gorova (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), Dr. Chukov (St. Petersburg), Drs. Kogut and Sadovnikova (Moscow, Russia), Dr. Vasilchuk (Kiev, Ukraine) at the Open Meeting of the Russian IHSS-Chapter held on September 25, 2002 in Zvenigorod (Russia). The Meeting has proposed to integrate existing Russian chapter and the founded CIS chapter into one Regional CIS-IHSS chapter. This idea was supported by the results of electronic vote of the members of Russian Chapter that took place in December 2002 (for details on the founding history click here). The main goal of the CIS IHSS is consolidation of the efforts of the CIS scientists in the field of basic and applied humic research. At present, CIS IHSS has a membership of 78 scientists and engineers, 64 of those are regular members, and 14 are student members. They are scientists and engineers both from research institutes and industrial firms. The scope of scientific interests includes structure, molecular properties, and genesis of humic substances, interactions of humics with heavy metals and organic ecotoxicants, application of humics for remediation technologies, biological activity of humics; technologies of manufacturing and agricultural applications of humics, and others. We are glad to be a part of the world-wide humic research community. We are open for cooperation and welcome any kind of HUMIC activities.
For details on the founding history click here
IHSS Newsletter
Number 42, Winter 2009/2010
Number 37, Summer 2007
Number 36, Fall 2006
Number 34, Winter 2005/2006
Number 33, Summer 2005
Number 32, Spring 2005
Number 31, Fall 2004
Number 29, Winter 2003/2004
Number 28, Summer/Fall, 2003
Number 27, Winter 2002/2003
Fourth International Conference of CIS IHSS on Humic Innovative Technologies "From Molecular Analysis of Humic Substances - to Nature-like Technologies" (HIT-2017) October 15-20, Moscow, Russia.
15th International Humic Substances Society Meeting (IHSS-15) "Humic Substances and the Maintenance of Ecosystem Services", June 27 - July 2 2010, Puerto de la Cruz, Canary Islands, Spain. First Announcement, Flyer.
International Scientific-Practical Conference "RADOSTIM - 2009: Humic Substances and Phytohormones in Agriculture", November 16-19, 2009, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
International Scientific Conference "Humic Substances in Ecosystems 8", September 13-17, 2009, Soporna, Slovakia
12th Nordic-Baltic IHSS Symposium on Natural Organic Matter in Environment and Technology, June 14-17, 2009, Tallinn, Estonia
Plant production process: theory and practice of efficient and resource-saving management, July 2-3, 2009, Scientific Research Institute for Agrophysics, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
2nd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, September 14-20, 2008, Moscow - Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Humic substances in bioshpere, December 19-21, 2007, Moscow, Russia
History, Methodology, and Phylosophy of Soil Science, November 5-9, 2007, Pushchino, Russia
Nanobio- and other perspective biotechnologies,October 15-18, 2007, Pushchino, Russia
XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, September 23-28, Moscow, Russia
Mass Spectrometry and its Applied Problems, September 3-8, 2007, Moscow, Russia
8th European FTMS conference, August 28 - September 1, 2007, Moscow, Russia
Migration 2007, August 26-31, 2007, Munich, Germany
X Dokuchaev Young Scientists Conference "Soils and Technogenesis", 1-3 March 2007, Saint-Peterburg, Russia
11th Nordic-Baltic IHSS symposium, Functioning of NOM in the Environment, 10 - 13th June, 2007, Joensuu, Finland
Young Scientists' Conference "Biotechnology of the Future", 6 - 8th June 2006, Saint-Peterburg, Russia / Photos
V All-Russian Conference RADIOCHEMISTRY-2006, 23 - 28th October, 2006, Dubna, Russia
3rd European Symposium on NMR Spectroscopy in Soil, Geo and Environmental Sciences, 6 - 9th August, 2006, Kardinal-Doepfner-Haus, Freising, Germany
13th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS), July 31 - August 4, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany
22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, 12-16th September, 2005, Seville, Spain
International Scientific Conference "Humic Substances In Ecosystems 6", Rackova dolina, Slovakia, 19 - 22 June, 2005. Contact person: Vladimir Simansky, Vladimir.Simansky@uniag.sk
The 5th North Central Regional Symposium on Natural Organic Matter, June 14 - 16, 2005, Columbus, Ohio
10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on Roles of Humic Substances in Nordic Environment, June 1 - 3, 2005, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference: A Voyage of Discovery. Section Title "NOM-metal complexation and the mobility of metals (SS-57)", Moscow, Idaho, USA, 20 - 25 May 2005.
Humic Science & Technology VIII, March 16-18, 2005, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
Всероссийская научная конференция VIII Докучаевские молодежные чтения "ОРГАНИЧЕСКОЕ ВЕЩЕСТВО ПОЧВ НАЗЕМНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМ", 1- 4 марта 2005 года, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Useful links
Members of CIS IHSS
Our contact e-mail is: ihss@org.chem.msu.ru.
We are glad to your visit, and welcome to cooperation in any kind of HUMICS activities.
Irina Perminova,
Regional Coordinator of the Chapter
Olga Iakimenko,
Vice-Coordinator of the Chapter