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Natalia Alexandrovna Kulikova
Senior Scientist
Work address
Division of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 199899 Moscow, Russia

June 13, 1973, Moscow
1990–1995 |
Study at the Soil Science Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The diploma work "Influence of Peat Organic Matter on Atrazine Toxicity" was succesfully defended at the Chair of Agriculture, Soil Science Department.
1992–1994 |
Study at the Open Ecological University; 1994 – Defendence of the diploma work "Detoxification of Herbicides in Soil as an Unsolved Problem of Modern Agriculture" |
1995–1998 |
Post graduate student at the Division of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University |
1999 |
Ph.D. in Biology "Binding affinity and detoxifying properties of humic substances towards atrazine" (Abstract, pdf-file in Russian, 356K / Full text, pdf-file in Russian, 1.2M) |
2008 |
Dr. Sc. in Biology "Protective activity of humic substances in relation to plants in terrestial and aquatic environment under abiotic stress conditions" (Abstract, pdf-file in Russian / Full text, pdf-file in Russian) |
1998–2008 |
Research Scientist |
2008–present |
Senior Scientist |
The main field of my scientific interest is...
Interaction of HS with minerals and influence of HS on biota.
See: Perminova's scientific group publication list.
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