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Кирк Хатфилд / Kirk Hatfield
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Рабочий адрес:
Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, P.O. Box 116580, Gainesville FL 32611-6580, U.S.A.
Избранные публикации:
- Perminova, I.V., and K. Hatfield. 2005. Remediation chemistry of humic substances: theory and implications for technology. In: Use of humic substances to remediate polluted environments: from theory to practice. Perminova, I., Hatfield, K., and Hertkorn, N. (eds.). NATO Science Series. IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer. Vol. 52, p. 3-37.
- Agyei, E., and K. Hatfield. 2005. Enhancing gradient-based parameter estimation with an evolutionary approach. J. Hydrol. (In Review).
- Klammler H., K. Hatfield, and M. Annable. 2005. Distortion of the uniform groundwater flow field due to a permeable passive flux meter in a borehole with well screen and filter pack. J. Contam. Hydrol. (In Review ).
- Klammler H., K. Hatfield, and M. Annable. 2005. Determination of the flow field for a system of annular elements of different conductivities in a uniform far field, Water Res. Research. (In Review).
- Mohamed, M. M. A., and K. Hatfield. 2005. Modeling microbial-mediated reduction in batch reactor. Chemosphere (In Press)
- Mohamed, M.M., K. Hatfield, and A. Hassan. 2005. Monte Carlo evaluation of heavy metal biotransformations in two-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers, J. Contam. Hydrol. (In Review)
- Newman, M., K. Hatfield, J. Hayworth, P.S.C. Rao, and T. Stauffer. 2005. A hybrid method for inverse characterization of subsurface contaminant flux. J. Contam. Hydrol. (In Review).
- Hatfield, K., M. Annable, J. Cho, P.S.C. Rao, and H. Klammler. 2004. A Direct Passive Method for Measuring Water and Contaminant Fluxes in Porous Media. J. Contam Hydrol. (In Press).
- Boupha, K., J.M. Jacobs, and K. Hatfield. MDL Groundwater Modeling: Laplace Transforms and the DeHoog Algorithm to Solve Contaminant Transport Equations, Computers and Geosciences (In Press), 2004.
- Klammler H., K. Hatfield, and M. Annable. 2004. Determination of the flow field for a system of annular elements of different conductivities in a uniform far field, Water Res. Research. (In Review).
- Klammler H., K. Hatfield, and M. Annable. Distortion of the Uniform Groundwater Flow Field Due to a Permeable Passive Flux Meter in a Borehole with Well Screen and Filter Pack, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, (In Review ), 2004.
- Lynch, J.C., J.M. Brannon, K. Hatfield, and J.J. Delfino. 2004 An Exploratory Approach to Modeling Explosive Compound Persistence and Flux using Dissolution Kinetics, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol 66 (3-4), pp. 147-159.
- Mohamed, M. M. A., and K. Hatfield. 2004 "Modeling microbial-mediated reduction in batch reactor" Chemosphere (In Review)
- Mohamed, M.M., K. Hatfield, and A. Hassan. 2004. Monte Carlo Evaluation of heavy metal biotransformations in two-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, (In Review)
- Newman, M., K. Hatfield, J. Hayworth, P.S.C. Rao, and T. Stauffer. 2004. A hybrid method for inverse characterization of subsurface contaminant flux, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (In Review )
- Agyei, E., and K. Hatfield. 2004. Enhancing Gradient-Based Parameter Estimation with an Evolutionary Approach. J. Hydrol. (In Review).
- Lynch J.C., J.M. Brannon, K. Hatfield, and J.J. Delfino. 2004. An Exploratory Approach to Modeling Explosive Compound Persistence and Flux Using Dissolution Kinetics. J. Contam. Hydrol. (In Press).
- Brooks, M., M. Annable, P.S.C. Rao, K. Hatfield, J. Jawitz, W. Wise, A. Wood, C. Endfield. 2004. Controlled Release, Blind Tests of DNAPL Remediation by Ethanol Flushing, J. Contam. Hydrol., (In Press)
- Brooks, M.C., M.D. Annable, P.S.C. Rao, K. Hatfield, J.W. Jawitz, W.R. Wise, A.L. Wood, and C.G. Enfield. 2002. Controlled Release, Blind Tests of DNAPL Characterization using Partitioning Tracers, J. Contam. Hydrol. 59, 187-210.
- Hatfield, K., M.D. Annable, S. Kuhn, P.S.C. Rao, and T. Campbell. 2002. A New Method for Quantifying Contaminant Flux at Hazardous Waste Sites. Groundwater Quality, IAHS Publication 275, Red Book, Sheffield United Kingdom, 25-32.
- James, A.I., W.D. Graham, K. Hatfield, P.S.C. Rao, and M.D. Annable. 2000. Estimation of Spatially Variable Residual Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Saturations in Non-Uniform Flow Fields Using Partitioning Tracer Data. Wat. Resources Res. 36, 999-1012.
- Hatfield, K., N. Samani, and R. Noss. 1998. Groundwater Quality and Land Use Management Models for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control. Iranian J. Sci. Technol., 22, 152-168.
- Burris, D.R., C.A. Delcomyn, B. Deng, and K. Hatfield. 1998. Kinetics of Tetrachlorethylene Reductive Dechlorination by Vitamin B12 , Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 17, 1681-1688.
- Sillan, R.K., M.D. Annable, P.S.C. Rao, D. Dai, K. Hatfield, W.D. Graham, A.L. Wood, and C.G. Enfield. 1998. Evaluation of in Situ Cosolvent Flushing Dynamics Using a Network of Spatially Distributed Multilevel Samplers. Wat. Resources Res. 34, 2191-2202.
- Annable, M.D., P.S.C. Rao, K. Hatfield, W.D. Graham, and A.L. Wood. 1998. Use of Partitioning Tracers for Measuring Residual NAPL: Results from a Field-Scale Test. J. Environ. Eng., ASCE, 124, 498-503.
- Rao, P.S.C., M.D. Annable, R.K. Sillan, D. Dai, K. Hatfield, W.D. Graham, A.L. Wood, and C.G. Endfield. 1997. Field-Scale Evaluation of In-Situ Cosolvent Flushing for Remediation of an Unconfined Aquifer Contaminated with a Complex LNAPL. Water Resources Res., 22, 2673-2686.
- James, A.I., W.D. Graham, K. Hatfield, P.S.C. Rao, and M.D. Annable. 1997. Optimal estimation of residual OIL saturations using partitioning tracer data, Water Resources Res., 22 (12), 2621-2636.
- Li, Y., A.J. Mehta, K. Hatfield, and M.S. Dortch. 1997. Modulation of Constituent Release Across the Mud-water Interface by Water Waves, Water Resources Res. 33 (6), 1409-1417.
- Hatfield, K., D. R. Burris, and N.L. Wolfe. 1996. Analytical Models of Heterogeneous Reactions in Porous Media. J. Environ. Engineering, ASCE, 122 (8), 676-684.
- Burris, D. R., K. Hatfield, and N.L. Wolfe. 1996. Experiments With Heterogeneous Reactions in Porous Media. J. Environ. Engineering, ASCE, 122 (8), 685-691.
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