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Дмитрий Валерьевич Ковалевский

23 февраля 1969 - 6 апреля 2002

1985–1993 |
Обучение на химическом факультете МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова |
1993 |
Защита дипломной работы "Детоксицирующая способность гуминовых кислот по отношению к тяжелым металлам и их взаимосвязь со структурными характеристиками" |
1993–1996 |
Обучение в аспирантуре химического факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова |
1998 |
Защита дисс. на соиск. уч. ст. кхн "Изучение структуры гуминовых веществ методами 1H и 13C спектроскопии ядерного магнитного резонанса" |
Автореферат диссертации (pfd, 444K)
Полный текст диссертации (pdf, 1.1М)
Основные публикации:
Hertkorn, N., Permin, A.B., Perminova, I.V., Kovalevskii, D.V., Yudov, M.V., Kettrup, A. 2002. Comparative Analysis of Partial Structures of a Peat Humic and Fulvic Acid using One and Two Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. J. Environ. Qual. 31, 375-387.
Perminova, I.V., Grechishcheva, N.Yu., Kovalevskii, D.V., Kudryavtsev, A.V., Matorin, D.N., Petrosyan, V.S. 2001. Quantification and prediction of detoxifying properties of humic substances to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons related to chemical binding. Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, p. 3841-3848.
Hertkorn, N., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Perminova, I.V., Kovalevski, D.V., Kettrup, A. 2001. Two dimensional NMR spectroscopy of humic substances. In: Understanding and Managing Organic Matter in Soils, Sediments and Waters. Eds. Swift, R.S., Spark, K.M. IHSS; University of Adelaide, Australia; p. 149-158.
Hertkorn, N., A. Guenzl, E. M. Perdue, D. Kovalevskii, A. Permin, I. V. Perminova, F. Jaekle, V. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup. 2001. How NMR spectra of natural and derivatized humic substances provide complementary information concerning the nature of their aliphatic constituents. XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001.
Kovalevskii, D. V., M. V. Yudov, I. V. Perminova, N. Hertkorn, A. B. Permin, V. S. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup, 2001. Study of fractional composition of humic acids by methods of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001.
Permin, A. B., I. V. Perminova, D. V. Kovalevskii, M. V. Yudov, N. Hertkorn, V. S. Petrosyan, A. Kettrup, 2001. Study of hydrolyzed humic substances by one and two dimensional NMR spectroscopy, XIth International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology", Zvenigorod, April 20-27, 2001.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 2000: Conditions for acquiring quantitative 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 41, 39-42 (in Russian).
Perminova, I. V., Yudov, M. V., Kovalevsky, D. V., Permin, A. B., Petrosyan, V. S. 2000. 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopic studies of the 0.2 M HCl hydrolyzed humic and fulvic acids. Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
Hertkorn, N., Permin, A., Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I.V. Perminova, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Characterization of humic substances by NMR spectroscopy. Analytica Conference, Munich, Seminar: Techniken in der organischen Bodenanalytik, April 11-14, 2000.
Hertkorn, N., Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, A. Permin, D. Kovalevskii, I. Perminova, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural analysis of humic substances: backbone / skeleton. Gordon Research Conference: Organic Geochemistry, Holderness School, August 13-18, 2000.
Hertkorn, N., A. Permin, I. V. Perminova, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Two dimensional NMR spectroscopy of humic substances, 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
Hertkorn, N., A. Gunzl, F. Jakle, D. Freitag, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I. V. Perminova, A. Permin, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural models of humic substances as deduced from two dimensional NMR spectra of natural and derivatized humic substances, 4. Igler NMR Tage, Igls, Osterreich, 10.-11.2.2000.
Hertkorn, N., A. Permin, Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin, I.V. Perminova, D. Kovalevskii, A. Kettrup, 2000. Structural models of humic substances as derived from two dimensional NMR spectra, Proceeding of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
Hertkorn, N., Permin, A., Schmitt-Kopplin, Ph., Perminova, I. V., Kovalevskii, D., Kettrup, A. 2000. Structural models of humic substances as derived from two dimensional NMR spectra, Abstract book of the 10th International Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, July 24-28, 2000; Toulouse, France.
Kovalevsky, D. V., Perminova, I. V., Permin, A. B., Petrosyan, V. S. 2000. Determination of the fragmental composition of humic substances from the data of 13C and 1H NMR spectroscopy. 2nd European Symposium: NMR in Soil Science; Feb. 27 - March 1, 2000, TU Freising / Weihenstephan.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S., 1999: Quantitative 1H NMR spectroscopic determination of exchangeable and backbone protons of humic substances. Moscow State University Bulletin (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta), Series 2 (Chemistry), 40, 375-380 (in Russian).
Hertkorn, N., Perminova, I.V., Schmitt-Copplin, Ph., Permin, A., Kovalevskii, D., Kettrup, A. 1999. 2D NMR spectroscopy of humic substances. - Abstr. book, 218th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 1999, Geoc-29.
Perminova I.V., Frimmel F.H., Kovalevskii D.V., Abbt-Braun G., Kudryavtsev A.V., Hesse S. 1998. Depelopment of a predictive model for calculation of molecular weight of humic substances. Wat. Res., 32, 872-881.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Permin A.B., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Investigation of the structure of humic substances of different origin using 13C NMR spectroscopy. In : Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, P. 122.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Determination of the exchangeable and backbone protons in the structure of humic substances using 1H NMR spectroscopy. In: Abstract Book of the XVI Mendeleev Congress on General and applied Chemistry. St. Petersburg. V.3, P. 123.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Konnov D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Use of 1H NMR spectroscopy for investigation of the functional group composition of humic substances. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology". Suzdal', 1-7 June 1998. P. 189-190.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Permin A.B., Petrosyan V.S. 1998. Determination of the quantitative conditions for acquiring 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Biology". Suzdal', 1-7 June 1998. P. 190-191.
Perminova I.V., Frimmel F.H., Kovalevskii D.V., Abbt-Braun G, Kudryavtsev A.V., Hesse S 1997. Predictive model for the molar mass of humic substances. Abstracts of the Symposium on refractory organic substances in the environment (ROSE). Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 6-8, 1997, p. 11.
Perminova I.V., D.V. Kovalevsky, N.Yu. Yashchenko, N.N. Danchenko, A.V. Kudryavtsev, D.M. Zhilin, V.S. Petrosyan, N.A. Kulikova, O.I. Philippova, G.F. Lebedeva, 1996: Humic substances as natural detoxicants. In: Humic substances and organic matter in soil and water environments: characterization, transformations and interactions. Eds.: C.E. Clapp, M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, S.M. Griffith. St. Paul, MN, USA, 399-406.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Permin A.B., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. A new approach to description of structure of humic substances and its application to estimating a quantitative structure-property relationship. In The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection, Eds. J. Drozd and J. Weber. 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, September 9-14, 1996, Wroclaw, Poland, p. 99.
Kovalevskii, D.V., Perminova I.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1996. Influence of the structure of humic substances on their detoxifying ability in relation to heavy metals. In: Heavy metals in the environment - Abstract Book of International Symposium, Pushchino, October 15-18, 1996, p. 164.
Petrosyan V.S., I.V. Perminova, D.V. Kovalevsky, et al., 1994: Detoxification of heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides by humic substances in waters and soil. Proceedings of International Congress "Water: ecology and technology", Moscow, Sept. 6-9, 1994. Vol. IV. P. 1136-1143.
Perminova I.V., Kovalevsky D.V., Petrosyan V.S. 1994: Toxicological behavior of heavy metals in the presence of humic acids of different origin. - Abstracts of the Fourth SETAC-Europe Congress. Brussels, Belgium, Apr. 11-14, 1994. P.763.
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